Every morning, I run a pick through my hair. It’s important that I do this when it’s still spongy and damp from the…
Every morning, I run a pick through my hair. It’s important that I do this when it’s still spongy and damp from the…
No! That is not how I’m almost ending the work day!
Sooo you’re a mexi-lite chain with a mexi-lite name based on various white girls
Fresh-mex food. Latina name. Inspired by three white girls.
The Mexican restaurant’s quintessential flavor is inspired by 3 white women?
Maybe if we’re lucky, next year will see Kara in front of the Shade Court backdrop, captioned
Most badass story: I was peeing when I saw a 12” centipede on the ground. I hightailed it out of the bathroom and told my friend (who was hosting the party) - a tiny, adorable blond soprano - and she picked up some kitchen shears, took a deep breath, walked into the bathroom and started screaming at the top of her…
Once I said to my dad (about our yellow lab who adored my dad), that she thought he loved her more than me because she always let him go inside first but then would cut in front of me (as lowest in the pecking order).
In the poll, you should have a “yes, she’s awful but I wish she was bitchier” option.
::raises hand:: I am. Sorry. I disagree entirely with her on most issues, and I’m very upset by the fact that killing PP is the hill she wants to die on, but damn if she can’t command a room full of bloviating old white men. She fascinates me and I totally want to share a couple of bottles of wine with her.
I love these costume stories. My dad was a talented artist, and one year he painted me a dill pickle chip bag costume - detailed down to the expiry date. This is the same man that made me a space helmet with old anesthetic masks and fiberglass cast material when every other kid had an ice cream pail wrapped in tinfoil.
I failed to submit mine because I was too busy karaokeing Toto “Africa” last week (did y’all know the chorus is “I guess it’s rains down in Africa” instead of “I bless the rains down in Africa” (way lame)?) so I’m throwing it out there now:
I mean those things will definitely make you healthier but they don’t guarantee weight loss.
So, are we just actively refusing to acknowledge what should be a very real case of PTSD with Olivia?
Why does Olivia have to keep explaining to Fitz what his responsibilities are as a husband and President of the United States?
That Verizon commercial was even creepier than the current KFC ones.
My apologies in advance for the long backstory, but it is necessary to fully understand the horrible-ness of the situation. I live in a tiny apartment in New York with my wife and son, which, ever since our son has gotten the ability to walk and talk and whatnot already made sex a fairly covert affair (the window of…
YES! I meant to mention that. Thank you for reminding me and EXCELLENT JOB on noticing.
Tillie and Phoebe are two dogs who were lost for almost a week in the woods in Washington state. Phoebe wound up…
I love it that he called them out on this shit. . . . .I don’t know how/why they don’t realize how dumb it is that they all use the same “rhetorical strategy”— “well. . . . RONALD REAGAN. . . .”