
You'd look like that too if you had to grow up in a house with Kevin Smith.

No, not really. Just don't like to see people wish death upon other people.

Why are they in this film? Because they don't pay you big money to be in good movies, they pay you to be in juvenile shit.

Fuck you.

You know at one point The AV Club would have had something to say about a pop culture icon winning the highest award in the arts but I guess those days are over. Now they can't be bothered to come up with anything more than a two paragraph press release rehash. But I'm sure a survey of the staff's favorite potato

More like Chri$ Rock$, amirite?

But why you? I'm sure they help a lot of extended friends and relatives.

Well Godard, Truffaut, Melville and others were enormously influenced by American films even if they didn't do out and out remakes.

Agree on all of those. Lady on a Train has Deanna Durbin in one of her few adult roles and is a really good mystery.

Why don't you watch it first before you consider it to be good. Or does that even matter?

Just go to your safe place Square.

Blair Underwood is a one-man charm offensive, and yet even those boundless reserves of charisma
I know the AV Club is the home of Crow-Jimism but this is a bit much.

She had a very sexy voice.