Pat Folgers

I will hunt a mother fucker down if they even think of messing with this guy! As a child of color I grew up in shit neighborhood with a shit school system that was just passing me on through the grades. I was in the 3rd grade and I could not read. His show, was the one thing that made me want to learn to read.

You’re attacking someone for having suffered a sexual assault and attempted rape when he was a child. Go to hell.

Fuck your priorities

Now playing

If you’re a guitar wonk, you’ll appreciate this video.

I guess a lot of us are spending the weekend sad about how the AV Club we loved is wiped and gone. Kinja is hell, and you lied to us about how extreme the changes would be.

Carrie Coon deserves a place in television history for this show.

The thing about Damon Lindelof is that even though he has never been good at precise storytelling where all the threads are tied up neatly (like Vince Gilligan) his character work has always been remarkable and the themes he examines in his show are something that very very few shows have the guts to look at. It’s why

"Discrimination is illegal!"