
What is going with 2016? Between Trump and the Brexit, it really looks like it’s the year of terrible uneducated decisions/votes :)

Scroll down on the app home page. It’s there but under the UFC. The in-car channels are above the main feed. WTF, Fox?

Fox Sports = Asshats. That is all.

What’s wrong? Are you saying you want a manual transmission electric vehicle? That’s not how these things work...

Papa John is a giant douche, so I don’t feel sorry for him.

Lastly, Land Cruiser doesn’t buy your “drums are for off road protection” biz.

I really just needs torque more than anything. I drove one and it just felt gutless. It has 20 lb ft less torque than a 500 Abarth and 50 lb ft less than a Fiesta ST!

You know you have a great writing staff when the responses to these posts consume more than 1 page. Either that, or you left something out.

You know that zit you sometimes get in your middle back that you generally forget about unless the the damn thing


I was gonna say “Did the flappy thing move? I think the flappy thing moved...”

Did they finally get road put down through the Darien Gap?

The alternative is paying Porsche $12,000 to delete it as an optional extra.

No, what production needs to look like is a hatchback.

Let me know how you get stuff out of your fridge.

I love this place.

That looks nice and all, but I still wish we could just get this guy (and his variants)

Maybe it will actually have disk brakes in all four corners...