
Is there any indication this is objectively getting worse over time? Like the actual # of contamination events or “lbs of produce affected”?

Google motto: “Don’t be evil. “ [proceeds to gradually do some arguably evil things]

It can all be explained by John’s business plan:

Game releases on platform I have, but I’m angry anyway and you should be too”.

Wow, such bitterness.

I think the clamshell design is the reason the 3DS is superior in portability in every way. It’s pocket sized, protects it’s own screens, and was billed as a portable system, so the games are designed with portability in mind. The Switch requires more protection and doesn’t have that sort of on-demand convenience. And

oh, ffs. These are games that have been in development for at least a couple of YEARS and the 3DS still has a huge userbase. The Persona game isn’t even a first party game, and it relies HEAVILY on 2nd screen usage. I don’t know if EO is even going to survive the leap to a system without that 2nd screen, so why not

Gotta disagrees. My issue is the battery and the 3DS delivers on that front. The switch isn’t exactly portable either. If you walk around with a backpack or something then sure, but my 3DS fits into my pocket comfortably.

I consider the switch only pseudo portable. Until it can fit in my wife’s purse like a 3DS can, it’s not portable.

Now you know how I feel when I see a “Switch Only” game. 

I own a Switch. The 3DS is still great. Sorry, Jason.