
Artists, businessmen, scientists and even clergy, all appropriate the environment that they know and interpret it in their own way. Even Pat Boone, who made a fortune appropriating other people’s music and bleaching it, was an artist (a heinous human being, but an artist). The saddest appropriation story I ever heard

My grandfather was a member of the KKK in the 1920s. My mother told me this and then added, he only joined to sell insurance. My grandfather was a racist. I can own that because it is part of my family history and it says very little about me. White people need to stop justifying the unjustifiable in our collective

You agreed to go to the event and you agreed to participate in the event. It was a white supremacist event, therefore, you are a white supremacist. Why would you be a white supremacist if you were not a racist? #shouldawornahood

I love Maxine Waters. She is a woman who does not need to raise her voice when responding to bullshit.

Generally, if an employer has a union contract the union is barginaning for all employees. The few paid union members the less clout. It is a form of union busting.

In what world can an individual “make their own deal” with an employer? Do you really think that union wages and benefits will stay at current levels when most union members opt out? It will go back to pre-1930 conditions.