
Honestly, just about the only good thing I can think of that might come of a Graham presidency is that it might finally collectively dawn on America that the position of First Lady as an unpaid and generally well overqualified Mother, Wife and Hostess to the nation is a terrible outdated institution that needs to be

This isn’t my senior portrait - they were all toooo frightening. But this one is hilarious! I enjoyed my wacky new wave cut and rocked my Depeche Mode shirt. The haircut started short on one side and then gradually angled down to the long side. I was like one of those spiral wind chimes. 7th grade, man.

Broke and resourceful as I am, a friend took my senior photos on her Nokia and we edited them all on Paint. It was an uphill battle to get the yearbook staff to actually allow this (“WE NEED A CLEAR PHOTO OF YOUR FACE”, “NO PICTURES TAKEN WITH CAMERA PHONES/EDITED WITH PAINT”), but I eventually made it.

Please provide the statute that gives a 13 year old legal protection from her parents cutting her hair.

It’s kinda more like, there’s no more locked doors because that is illegal, but there are still really heavy doors, or doors that jam and only open a crack, or doors with special handles that only penises can open, or doors that will grab your ass when you walk through.

Well the fact that women make up 4% of fortune 500 ceo’s speaks for itself, I think.

I really hate this idea. I’ve talked to women of Ginsburg’s generation who essentially say the same thing and imply that feminism’s fight has been won. I get that there have been massive strides in the past 40 years, but there are plenty of doors that still need busting down and it’s pretty problematic to pretend that

“Ms. Elauf never informed Abercrombie prior to its hiring decision that she wore her head scarf, or ‘hijab,’ for religious reasons.”

No surprise there. His nomination hearings made it clear long ago what he thinks of the rights and dignity of women in the workplace, just ask Anita Hill. I don’t even care enough to look up what stupid reasoning he used for his dissenting opinion. It would just make me mad to no purpose.

Blood returning to your body from where? My God; what happens to you at night?!?

The creeper gets aroused by making other people look at him naked. As long as it’s not that I’d say you’re fine.

Also, the idea of riding a bike naked in public may as well make mine an “innie.”

The way I read it:

My mom used to live next door to a guy in his 80s who gave her what must have amounted to at least $1000 worth of plants and chopped wood that he stole from the Kroger. In the middle of the day. Because he seriously did not give any fucks at all.

Former bingo hall employee here. I never heard of any slashed tires (probably because the lot was patrolled by security), but I have seen drinks thrown, lit cigarettes jabbed at faces and at least one fistfight in the aisles over people sitting in seats that “aren’t theirs”. Bingo enthusiasts be crazy.

‘It was Fred Smith! In the parking lot! With an ICE PICK!’ The geriatric Floridian version of Clue.

This isn’t very nice but whatever.

Yes. We do. And you know what? What boring, smug Canadians lecture the US about healthcare, they also KNOW BETTER. When you know better, you teach. If you don't teach, you don't care.

showing you didn't even read the article properly, because it is illegal.