Patcher Pup

Dodai, thank you for all of your contributions at Jez. Seeing you as a WoC leading one of the most popular sites while including feminist and womanist content helped inspire me to increase my knowledge on feminism and womanism, and participate on the kinja network. I wish you all the best.

Dodai, I think I'll miss you most of all.

Dodai, when I happened upon Jezebel from Gawker, I was AMAZED at the early articles. I keep saying to myself "it seems like women of color are writing these articles? Could that be possible? You are the internet I was waiting for. Good luck in your new role, and Thank you , thank you so much for your articles, your

Why have real culture, when you can simply manufacture it? The teeming masses demand it. A great exchange from a book that I read long ago (sorry can't remember the title).

In fairness, I look *amazing* in a dress.

I dislike Lena Dunham as much as the next person, but can we please have the courtesy to believe her story and sympathize?

Callie, I will miss you so much!!! You are one of my favorite writers ever and I look forward to reading Vice on a regular basis because you and Tracie are over there. Thank you for being so awesome and for laughing at all my dumb jokes over Gchat. Your dirtbags were always my inspiration for Saturday dirtbags.

If you guys keep doing this I might have to start reading Vice, and I really don't want to do that.

She's trying to make lemonade, and step 1 is squeezing some fucking lemons out of the fuckups who are responsible for this mess.

I think it's sue-worthy without the race issue involved. You can't run a business like a sperm bank and go mixing vials up. Fuck them! How hard is it to match a vial sticker with a number and place it with the right people? Give me a break.

If she's suing for the funds it will take to relocate her family and keep them afloat until new jobs are found, I'll allow it. That seems like an expense that is necessary for this child's well-being that would not have been necessary but for the mixup. If she's suing for emotional distress, she can get bent.

What a waste of money. 30 grand could have put a couple of those sex dolls through college.

Lemme tell you a story about boner pills. When I was in my late 30s, I finally got properly diagnosed (Bipolar II) and got a combination of meds that made me sane for the first time in my life. It was great, like being born again. After many celibate years, I even had a girlfriend, and she actually wanted to have