Patcher Pup

What, you don't dress up for important occasions? Because CLEARLY that is what this cat cafe is.

He is old. But that is not the problem. The problem is he is pretty terrible and would be fine if all homosexuals in his country woke up dead.

Jon Hamm should be on every show.

No worries, I punderstand

I'm Ginuwinely embarrassed that I left that out.

I've never watched a single episode of Mad Men, but I will continue to insist that Jon Hamm is wasted on that show because it involves no comedy.

I think you missed the most important cameo of the night, Ginuwine singing 'Pony' in memoriam of Lil Sebastian.

And is it not up to Ugandans to solve their own issues around marginalising those of differing sexual orientations and gender identities?

I am curious: does this mean you wash your pants/shorts after each wearing? Because I think I would be worried about hygiene if I went underwear-less but maintained my current wear-jeans-4-or-5-times-before-washing system.

How can anyone with labia stand NOT to wear underwear with pants? Does the crotch seam not totally mangle your special area?

Woah, that's hardcore. I'm pretty pro-underwear when I'm not at home, and why I can logically understand preferring Commando, I can't imagine being so brave as to not own *any* underwear. If you wear a skirt, do you really just freeball (freecooch?) it?

This. If they're actually torn, they're garbage. When the elastic wears out enough that they won't stay in place correctly, they're garbage. When the period stains finally won't come out with bleach (or more likely, when the bleaching and scrubbing wears the crotch into holes and threads), they're garbage.

I do the rotation. Buy new underwear and look great and they slowly (or quickly) stretch their way to period panties. Or you unexpectedly get your period, and boom. Your absolute favourite underwear is now a period panty. Sometimes they just become "feelin' comfy" panties instead of strictly period panties.

Yeah, you're right, starting a relationship based on deception doesn't seem like a great foundation to build upon.

Geeks and cats go together like white on rice. I'm surprised there aren't more people in LOTR costumes and Start Trek uniforms in the line. (Edit for clarity: I'm a sci-fi fan with two cats so I am saying this without judgement).

Can't I just kill myself instead?