Patcher Pup

Poor girl. Hopefully this little shit serves plenty of time.

Wow. At least she's honest about her motivation? A completely unrelated question - is that Brody Dalle as your avatar?

Our post-prom party was a jug of moonshine and a ditch. No, really.

Oh, I definitely have trouble keeping a straight face when I lie. But when I was a kid, anytime I was nervous I would start grinning. So even when I was telling the truth I looked and sounded like a liar. It really undermined my ability to get away with stuff.

Of course you don't see how it's relevant. Buh-bye.

So. . .why ARE they having so many problems stocking? They really didn't realize how well the movie would do? It's not like Disney's ever been cautious about marketing anything else. . .you can buy anything and everything with Disney Princess shit on it.

I'm sure you've never broken a law in your LIFE, have you?

Quota requirements? ICE facilities have quota requirements? Well, that's news to me. Appalling news. Who the hell sets these quotas?

He sounds like a twelve-year-old boy. "Ewwww, MY parents don't have sex! Gross!"

Another great way to get legos? Hit up garage sales. We hit the jackpot last year with a woman who was selling a bunch of new-ish star wars kits for pennies on the dollar because some were missing parts. I didn't have the heart to tell her we were never even going to attempt to build whatever was pictured on the

Oh, Goldieblox. You mean so well. I wish you'd spend less time and money on advertising and more on product development. Yes, I love the idea, but the kit we ordered was poorly made, didn't do very much, and the accompanying book was atrocious.

Let's just say his version of events is slightly implausible.

That doesn't automatically make her a liar. . .

Grow up. Also, learn how to use the reply function.

Is this any different than the creepy twenty-or-thirty-something who still parties with high school kids and supplies them with booze? There were several of those guys still hanging around when I was in high school. They were usually washed-up jock types, who had graduated at least a decade ago. Guys for whom

OF COURSE it didn't happen until after the championship. Fuck him, fuck the university, and fuck everything about this.

Having a crappy night? I'm sorry to hear that. I'll be up for another hour or so if you need a listener.

What a handsome boy!

I'm delighted by Aimee Mann's tweet. Finally, someone who agrees with me on infinity pools! Those fuckers are TERRIFYING. Just looking at pictures of some of the rooftop ones can make me feel slightly ill.

On a semi-related note, if any of you haven't listened to or read "Swingset," I highly recommend dropping everything and clicking on the link. It's three minutes of pure awesome. Seriously, go listen to it right now.