"Lady hormones, hugging, soft focus lenses, getting along, collaborating, avoiding direct dick measuring contests etc."
"Lady hormones, hugging, soft focus lenses, getting along, collaborating, avoiding direct dick measuring contests etc."
Yeah, sorry, I'm not buying the excuse that pharmacists keep the pills behind the counter because they're expensive. Maybe some do, but when I was in high school, I worked at a chain pharmacy, and when I asked why condoms and such were kept behind the counter, the lead pharmacist (an outspoken evangelical) told me…
Ew, sorry, but dogs putting their mouths on water fountains/faucets is disgusting, not cute. I prefer my drinking water without flecks of dog spittle, thanks.
David Spade you are gross. Seriously, you are a gross human being. Bleh.
"Since it could be strongly argued we live in a culture that values the stories of white people most of all, it would be so damn refreshing/mind-expanding/enlightening/fun/interesting/important to enter into entertainment from different points of view much more routinely."
Really?! I didn't know she was a candidate! Now I'm extra-super-sad.
Her shoes look like toilet plungers. I'd still rather take THEIR medical advice.
The show's newest addition starts out serene, but quickly finds her goofy side. . ."
Thanks again. The whole situation is still a bit confusing, but your brief explanation and carefully curated links have definitely helped!
Thank you for that link.
Yep. This is what I wanted to say, but you said it better. One of my middle school tormentors is a casual acquaintance (works with one of my parents). She has NO memory of the shitty things she did to me. She actually inferred that I was in her circle of friends in seventh grade! In reality, she and her friends…
No kidding. Hackcoughwheezefarmsubsidiescoughcough.
Ha! How completely unsurprising. Well, at least I have a fresh new rebuttal for when my in-laws start blathering about Affirmative Action. Again.
From the article:
I can't think of very many politicians with more punchable faces than Boehner. Paul Ryan, perhaps?
Oh, I love that website! Always great for a laugh.
I might have a. . .friend who ended up at the doctor's office complaining of pooping blood. Said friend then remembered drinking a lot of red Gatorade the night before.
Awww. Cute kid! He's SO HAPPY.
I hate the fact that if anything makes this guy lose his job, it won't be his harassment of women, but the fact that he did it on the taxpayers' dime.
I was an incredibly anxious child. It actually got a little bit better when I reached my teen years, but when I was eight or nine the stress, anxiety, and fear were bad enough to keep me home from school, often. I wish my parents had been more open to the idea of me seeing a counselor, or psychiatrist, ANYONE. …