Patcher Pup

Happy Monday indeed - the trolls are already out in full force. "Wow, so much hate in a single paragraph." God, the WHINING.

That's incredibly difficult to watch, but I'd be ashamed to look away. I can't believe our country is doing this to people. Oh, and to the idiot talking about "terrorists," more than half of the detainees have been approved for release but no one will take them.

Oh No! Don't send her to Diamond Ranch Academy! They are AWFUL. They use transport chains, basically they send someone to kidnap the kid in the middle of the night and bring them to the school. I'm sure they wouldn't do that to a celebrity kid, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. They are incredibly scary.

Oh man. . .I've seen that StoryCorps cartoon before, and I knew it would make me cry. So why did I watch it again?! *sniff* Thanks for sharing it though, it is a beautiful story.

I'm sure this is terribly close-minded of me, but I don't understand how anyone is "just not a reader." Aside from having difficulties like dyslexia, of course.

I wish I had a suggestion for you but I don't. I'd be very interested to see if anyone else knows of such a website. People are judgmental as hell in real life, they go freaking nuts online.

Yes, because if there's ever an article on a woman it must belong on Jezebel. Because women are a tiny insignificant subset, and not half of the fucking population. Jesus Christ.

The thought of my internet activities bleeding into my real life is incredibly frightening.

The guy actually said "adorbs." I wasn't aware that was something people said aloud. Well, I learned something new today. Oh, and BABY GOAAATS!!

From the frigid waters of Michigan's Upper Peninsula (in a two-piece bathing suit) I salute you!

Clothes make the man, and in this case they make the man look silly. Reminds me of the tea partiers who play dress up in tricorn hats and badly tied cravats.

Hey now, there's nothing miraculous about that! They worked damn hard to make sure it stayed under wraps.

Reading that makes me feel like I'm having a stroke.

Hot naked men writhing around can never be wrong.

I don't know why I still scroll down and read the comments on Daily Mail articles. You'd think I would have learned by now. The ones on the Janice Dickinson piece are even nastier than usual.

Paula Deen had an agent? Huh. You'd figure if she had handlers they would have made her shut her mouth a lot earlier. I wonder how her supporters will take the news, the delicate little flowers.

Most pediatric doctors will tell you not to use talcum-based baby powder. It can irritate your lungs, and is especially bad for asthmatics. If you use it just be careful not to breathe any of the dust. I keep some around the house just for cleaning, and I always wear a dust mask. In terms of the cancer risk, I

How awesome! This isn't natural talent, this is WORK, which is much more impressive.

Be sure to click "Yes" at the bottom when it asks you if this is the worst day of your life. Too funny!

Waaa, waaa, waaa, trolls. Yes, sure, making a joke about stereotypical male behavior is the WORST OPPRESSION EVER. Please tell us all about it.