Pat Chan

The N64 screen, the Gamecube Easter egg and the downloading screen for the Wii Shop are a few of the reasons why no matter how much dust my Wii is gathering, I will never lose faith in Nintendo's ability to be awesome.

@Kellen: I have, but it was the result of myself and a bunch of buddies chatting one day and somehow it came up that none of us were actually sure if we'd ever beaten SMB2. So we set out to make sure that day.

@DukeOfPwn: But that was one of the point of the article. Dance Central and Kinect Sports were launch titles.

@cheezr: I believe the reason that it's tagged as such on the cover is the "Sackboy's Prehistoric Moves" DLC. I'm certainly not defending the cover since that's misleading in it's own way, but it does support Move...eventually.

@acamas: Game credits are a godsend. This year in particular has been great since there are so many great titles coming out. I only pre-order when Amazon is offering a credit, bonuses aren't usually all that enticing to me. But I just keep pre-ordering games with credits and then applying those credits to other

Some games could definitely benefit from being priced lower than others. I really wish more people had bought and played Vanquish, and I think more would have if it had been priced at $30-$40 instead of $60. I know that, coupled with the fact that it was around a five hour game, turned a lot of people off to

C'est moi! Pierre!


@RtFusion: Yes! Another inverter! Everytime I jump in to play a shooter at a friends house I pick up the controller for a second, move and whoa, to the controller options menu. When I switch aim/look to inverted people react as though I've just done the most bizarre, unimaginable thing they've ever seen.

I like my coffee like I like my Kotaku posts, covered in bees!

Metal Gear Solid:

Recent study shows that women without high school diplomas are actually more likely to admit to having had a same-sex experience than college-educated women.

@kgetz3: So basically shame on everyone except the creators/writers of the show? Cool, you seem like a reasonable, logical person.

Hmmm, so each player controls two portals? I had previously thought that one player was going to shoot blue portals and the other orange.

I couldn't help but laugh at what that kid said about the chopping up the body and whatnot. It's a horrible thing to say but just imagining some teen with a cracking voice saying such a surreal thing over XBL is hilarious to me.

I assume direct control...ironically.

I really hope they provide more incentive for the Operative to be cooperative with the rest of the team. In my experience most players using disguise donning classes tend to just run around trying to get easy kills rather than participating in completing objectives.