@twinturbo2: I'm looking forward to MK more than Tekken Tag, but I'm looking forward to Street Fighter x Tekken and Tekken x Street Fighter more than MK.
@twinturbo2: I'm looking forward to MK more than Tekken Tag, but I'm looking forward to Street Fighter x Tekken and Tekken x Street Fighter more than MK.
I hope that there is an option to use the regular jumping controls. The rest of the touch controls were actually really neat and well implemented but using the touch screen to jump seemed very unnecessary and like it would kill the pace of the game.
@Brauner02: It wasn't Sony that said that, it was just people speculating. This is a Sony guy coming out and saying that it was ridiculous for anyone to have ever thought that.
@BoomingEchoes: Agreed, it's actually awesome to have a company guy come out and talk about how the tech is limited in a completely frank and down to earth way.
@wack0br: I've always been bothered by the way most of the humans in the Mass Effect series look. The alien races all look and animate fantastically but for some reason the humans are entrenched in the uncanny valley. Miranda, in my opinion, looked particularly poor.
@Retsaot: 2011 should fix that problem.
@Xeeros: Vanquish was more-or-less Japan's attempt to do a Western style game but it was awesome. From a pure action standpoint, truly the best shooter I have ever played. It really frustrates me that it didn't sell better. Granted it is quite short but it has so much replay value.
Wow, Ueda AND Koji Kondo coming out of the same school? As a university you could certainly have worse alumni.
@OmegaSpartan08: This year has been/is going to be murder on my finances. I've already spent around $300 on games and it's only MARCH ffs! And I even said no to buying some games I really wanted just to avoid spending too much money. Luckily, it's going to slow down a little during the summer but the end of the…
@oogabubchub: Red paint bucket of death.
I had absolutely no idea that the Frostbite engine was such a monster. Those textures and lighting are unbelievable. When they were sprinting toward that door, the paint irregularities on that wall were rendered made me want to rub my face on it. And the particle effects are maybe the best I've ever seen. Never…
You know, above all else, these videos are really well edited. Hopefully the guy doing the editing gets a lot of props for making the rest of the team look awesome.
Next shop contest should be, what will support Netflix next.
@digimope: 2011 is honestly making me sad, lol. I keep having to check the release calendar every couple of weeks and budget myself based on what bills I'll have to pay that pay period. And I've been constantly checking reviews deciding what's worth full price and what I'll get used or not at all.
@digimope: Jackie Chan is no billionaire but I believe his home and office have secret rooms.
I'm not a fan of the hungry suit at all but other than that, they've done an amazing job with this game. There are a ton of new environmental components, levels that push your pace, and the return of that great art style. This is definitely Pixel Junk pedigree.
I hope you get to solve the Black Dahlia case in this game. Not that it would help anything but I've always found the story of that to be particularly disgusting on a lot of levels. The way she was killed, how reporters interfered heavily with police investigation just to get ahead on the story, etc. I'd find it…
@sandorasbox: I like subs in my anime (most of the time, unless I prefer the English voices) but for video games I feel like I'd prefer dubs. I was reading for the first 10 or so years of my gaming life. I'm feeling lazy now. :P
@Cleesox: I wish Warzone was a little more focused in Killzone. I love Operations because everyone is clustered into a smaller area and basically forced to go for their objective. But in Warzone it too often feels like everyone's playing team deathmatch except a handful of people.
I see, so they toned down the blood for Sigma 2 so that this trailer would be more effective. :P