Pat Chan

@excaliburps: I can't really tell. According to game stats there are about 35,000-55,000 daily players depending on what day you play the game.

@excaliburps: It is amazing. I've logged over 100 hours into it and I really hate to discourage anyone from playing it. But I'd hate to think of you not getting into any matches because you don't have the DLC and it would suck to pay $40 for multiplayer you'll only spend a month or so with.

Aw, it makes me sad that you didn't finish Bayonetta. :'(

@excaliburps: You can pick up GOTY on Amazon for $40 with free shipping. It's a weighted decision though because you're only going to get eleven months out of the multiplayer till number 3. And that's if you don't ditch it for something like Brink or Killzone or even LBP2 when those come out. I know I'll probably

@PoweredByHentai: Yeah, it's been so long since I played the first, I wasn't sure. Looks like ammo pick ups are getting faster every game. In number 4 the ammo will come to you! And in number 5, infinite ammo!

@wu-stix: Lol, it's definitely very flashy but if you like action games you should give it a shot because the mechanics are solid. It's kind of like a faster, looser Ninja Gaiden. There are some camera and presentation issues and you need to make sure you install it if you don't want unbearable load times. But

@SarahDot: Only slightly, there are articles where that would be more off topic than it is here, lol.

@surft: I read the article, there are no unlockable bikinis.

@Maujer: Lol, it does seem every guild leader in WoW is a stoned southern guy. My old guild leader (I no longer play) was an awesome and friendly guy but he was constantly high and had an accent so he took forever to explain things and was difficult to understand sometimes. He also mixed up names and commands a lot

If it's as irreversible as they claim then I think Sony's best move is to try and integrate as much of the stuff people would want to do with a hacked PS3 as possible into the system, excluding the piracy of course.

@SupremeEvan: It's awesome but very complex which can be off-putting for some people. You basically have to craft/carry several different weapons attuned to different enemy types otherwise battles become too difficult or take forever. Also chaining attacks and knowing how/when to use what spells and items takes a

@KrautMcFriend: Advice for single player besides just playing stuff over and over till you level past it is to beef up your magic, it helps with crowd control and kiting. Also, keep a full stock of potions with you.

Now playing

@Squirrelbot3000: J.K. Simmons would be great. I think he should take the attitude up to this level though...not really, but I'd enjoy that, lol.

@excaliburps: If he's selling the regular version for $18 and you plan on playing the multiplayer then you probably want to grab a new version of the Game of the Year Edition. It comes will all the DLC which if you planned on buying would bump that $18 up to around the same price. The DLC levels and modes are great.

@Rachel Fogg: Not to mention the fact that so many of the cutscenes in Bayonetta aren't animated which is a bummer and the frequency with which you pick up those mini articles (which I HAD to read because I'm OCD about that kind of stuff and it was a cool universe). The pacing in that game was rough sometimes but I

@Saint In: Lol, even when I see interviews with Nolan North, I can't help but think Drake. It doesn't even sound like the words are coming out of his mouth to me.

@Jeryhn88: You may want to consider renting 1 and 2 if only to know the characters. The story of 3 is supposed to explore the relationship between Drake and Sully and that won't really matter to you if you don't know how awesome Sully is (and Drake for that matter). :)