@blazeofmerc20: Lol, I know that you meant string cheese but "string chess" had me very confused for a while. Then I pictured Kirby's Epic Yarn style chess pieces and I was happy. :)
@blazeofmerc20: Lol, I know that you meant string cheese but "string chess" had me very confused for a while. Then I pictured Kirby's Epic Yarn style chess pieces and I was happy. :)
@Alastair-: Bobby Kotick quoted as saying, "That's 3% off CoD4's DLC. We're not a damned charity."
@KrazeRage: You might want to buy a hat, don't want to get burnt out there in the cornfield.
You're not sure which makes you more angry?
@KingOfOldSkool: Lol, no, apparently there aren't.
Is this...is this the real list???
@Ritz: That's the main reason I don't buy games like this new. Not that I don't enjoy them, I actually liked Black Ops okay when I played it at my buddy's house. But I know they are going to get there sales so I'll take my money elsewhere and support developers that are making quality games that are lesser known. …
@WhoKnew?: I don't think he was saying that no thought goes into making the games, just buying them. Good game or not (I actually enjoyed it more than I thought I would) he does have a point that Activision throws a ton of marketing money into each CoD game and that definitely has an impact on sales.
@Yossarian: That's silly to say that one game selling like Black Ops does not take away sales from other games. I'm not going to dog Black Ops because I liked it okay but with games being $60 if people decide to buy one game they're more than likely passing up a few others they might have been interested in.
@Thoughtwanderer: Smash Bros. Brawl is also only out on one system and this Black Ops figure seems to total sales across all platforms.
Sales do not equate to quality. I'm not saying Black Ops is crap. Look at Avatar though, the highest grossing film of all time (without adjusting for inflation). But if I were to make a list of my favorite movies it would not make the top 50 and would be a maybe for the top 100.
@neon-ghost: Purple.
This guy is the pride of Aperture Science.
@Tlachtli: I didn't buy that for my Wii because I felt the placement of the controllers in the shell looked awkward. Sony has it right though, you should be firing from the back.
@Tanneseph: I think if I was going to play a shooter using the Move controller for extended periods of time, this might come in handy. Holding a wand (whether it be the Wii-mote or Move) out to aim for hours on end would tire out the ol' shoulder.
If I get more people to hit "Like" will they release the game now?
@TimeNeverRests (PS1): You've probably seen two names below a comment made by a non-commenter but one would be the person who approved the comment and then the name of the person who promoted it.
@mowan259: I loved it. The level design is fantastic and the vertical/stealth elements keep things dynamic. Between the competitive and co-op I'm sure I've logged over 150 hours.
@-Silver-: Not to nitpick but Ratchet & Clank is Insomniac, another top notch studio.
@Icemael: "[Being in a gunfight as a helicopter decimates the building you are standing in] boring as shit."