Pat Chan

I wonder if PETA knows that the advancement of the homo sapien brain was driven by the desire to eat meat.

@Gaston: "I thought the bosses were the least spectacular part of the game. The guy that chased you around that you had to freeze and then torch later with the ship engines was the best one because he was an immediate and apparent threat. He had me freaking the hell out as I tried to kill/escape from him.

@iAmHammett: That was scary just to read and picture in my head, lol. Even when the phone gimmick was used in No More Heroes, which isn't supposed to be scary at all creeped me out a little so I can only imagine how a dead little girl's voice would trip me out. I'll put that on my list of games to watch other people

@FLD: Lol, apparently that's what the head of Lucas Arts did after playing FU2.

@DocSeuss: Jump scares are fine and work, to an extent, in the Resident Evil games. But they always feel really cheap and uninspired. And in RE4 where the action was amped up, there were barely any scares at all. Amazing game, one of my all time favorites, but not scary...well maybe the blind guys with the claws

@Gaston: Lol, wish I had saved the comment I just made about boss battles to respond to you.

@—Core—: I thought the bosses were the least spectacular part of the game. The guy that chased you around that you had to freeze and then torch with the ship engines was the best one because he was an immediate and apparent threat. He had me freaking the hell out as I tried to kill/escape from him.

@Zezzler: Yes! I just threw my wallet away as I will have nothing to put in it in the coming months.

@Shinta: While I agree with you that it was unnecessary, it at least looks like it's going to be pretty cool. Being part of an elite limb hacking unit made up of your friends sounds like a blast and playing as a necromorph and stalking said group sounds like even more fun. :)

@Beastdozer: Most definitely, if only to prepare for the second one. Atmosphere and overall visuals are great. Story is kind of weak in terms of the way it's presented and the gameplay gets kind of stale about 2/3 of the way through but it's over before you get completely bored with it. But if you're the kind of

@senselocke: But I'd still take morose and bored over greedy and asinine.

"...praised the game' diving."

@nickux: Would you like to play again?

@killakoopa: I think you're absolutely right. And I should have specified that I don't consider people who only play CoD gamers either. We're on the same page here. :)

Don't care where it's set, just want to pre-order it, NOW!

@IcarianHeights: Lol, Train Wreck is an awesome level. I don't know how many times I've just fired wildly into the blowing snow and gotten a kill. :)

@Herbal: This makes me sad. If only I could afford to buy you a PS3 so you could play this game. :'(

@fatheadwilson: The shooting in the second game, while similar to the first, is a lot more interesting. For one, the environments are much more interesting (i.e. moving trains, collapsing buildings, etc.) and second, like Sickabod said, it's paced much better. So it feels a lot less like you get stuck in a single

@doctorrobert: That's an interesting point. I mean, the American Southwest has tons of rock formations and the like but Africa might be tricky.