Pat Chan

Dubbing it the "iPad tax?" You hipsters already overpay so much for your Apple products, what's another 5%? ;)

@Askherserenity: Agreed, instead of her they should have more John Hodgeman segements.

@Captain_Goober: She did a pretty good job saying two lines and using the tired "dirty translation" joke?

There weren't enough Asian comedians out there so they had to get the "hot internet chick?" I was really surprised when I saw her on there last night, not pleasantly.

@herogear: The gameplay was never what I liked about Deadspace. In fact, it's the part I liked the least because for me it got repetitive about halfway through and the constant need to dismember took away the satisfaction of a well placed headshot.

@RunningWildVidya: Dear God, one of my best friends downloaded the HD Turtles in Time and I played it with him and cried. But he is somehow convinced that it is superior the the SNES/arcade versions. It makes me want to punch him in the neck.

@AllOfUsAreLost.: Haha, yeah it is exhausting to play. I think it's because you're so tense during the levels and so relieved after killing the bosses that you have no energy left after a session.

@hermes200: I always require more proves...

@Lucidity: Yeah, why can't they be more reliable at fixing their consoles WHEN they break like Microsoft?

@AllOfUsAreLost.: Part of the science of making huge bosses is making them not only large but terrifying. Poseidon and Chronos in GoW3 are huge but don't really feel all that dangerous since Kratos is so powerful and the fights play out more like a scene instead of a battle. That's the main difference in the huge

@McDude_: This coming from a man who makes 50% of time spent with the game unplayable cutscenes. ;)

@chensterrain: You say you've only gotten to the eighth colossus so I'm not sure I should spoil anything by trying to explain but I will anyway assuming that you're not going to beat the game, lol. So SPOILER WARNING.

I think that naming the horse in a game is a big step toward making you feel a bond with it.

Dear Gamestop,

I've always been confused about the Helghast gas mask thing. I thought I read somewhere that they had to wear gas masks because the environment on Helghan was so harsh that growing up in it damaged their respiratory systems. But if that was the case you'd think they would have adapted over time. And also, you'd

@RavePirate: I'm sure there will be some kind of catch. It seems like he is only invincible in his ghost form where he also doesn't seem to have any offensive attacks, just that telekinesis and the stun blast. So to do any actual damage, he will have to possess someone where I assume he will be able to be killed in

Is Spider-Man battling Daft Punk in that bottom picture? o.O

@naughtyco: What do you mean "you people?" o.O

@Femmefatality07: Everything about that game was satisfying. The amount of rumble you got from a stab was just right. The sense of speed when you were being tossed around or clinging to the back of a flying colossus was incredible. And I've never felt a greater sense of isolation than I did riding around in that

I feel like the people with REALLY interesting things in their handbags would not agree to empty them for a photograph.