Pat Chan

Even though Legacy has better production value, I liked the fight in Beginning's End better. I thought BE did a better job incorporating the specials into the fight and the overall choreography was better. Ryu's fireball was a little too intense in Legacy for me, this is supposed to be Street Fighter not DBZ. And

@pitseleh0: I agree with you on God of War. There is a big difference between showing brutal violence to display Kratos's anger and determination and generally how much of a bad ass he is. But there were a lot of parts where the violence kind of upset me.

I'm surprised you didn't mention any of the Metal Gear Solid games other than posting that picture since they are some of the best at presenting the people killing and being killed as fully sympathetic characters.

@Solid2TheSnake: Uncharted 2 not only did a lot of things right in terms of presentation but gameplay as well.

I have never played a game on an iPhone that I found anywhere close to the quality of Professor Layton, Bowser's Inside Story, etc.

@DrZaius: I'm curious as to what "Thunderbolt Airplane" means..."the one portable gaming device that you DON'T want to bring on a flight."

@madog: The fun thing about Uncharted was actually getting to play through the action sequences that you normally see in big budget movies. I think if you take away the gameplay you end up with a generic treasure hunting action movie like National Treasure or something not quite as good as the Indiana Jones movies.

@Placentasaurus: You could be a winner with hard copies of both games like me! :D