Correct. Thanks.
So you think Liberals are awful?
well, sorry bout your day. Continue on with your self-victimization. I’m sure it’s got you something in life.
I mean, pearl clutching is fun huh? But if you read that tweet and your first thought was “ZOMG, I need to ask Twitter to take that down!” then you might also have an emotional maturity issue - the same one you criticize others over.
I disagree but respect your position on that... but the tweet that Twitter is specifically referencing isn’t offensive. People may not like it, and that’s fine, but there’s nothing offensive about it... so now we’re in a place of people being offended solely to be offended, but not with any validity behind it. So to…
I feel like with a name like Qrispy you should have a catch phrase. Please tell me you have a catch phrase.
I did? News to me.
meh. I’m gay. I like being fucked in my ass. I’m good without pussy. Sorry that you seem to define self-worth on it though.
and then lost me again at Kate Micucci
feelings of Trump aside, people are such massive pussies
can you fit in my luggage?!
too old. House voted against it in 2012. Otherwise I’d have no problem doing it. What is your service record or community service record?
meh. Served in the military once. Keep trying kid.
exactly. They are an issue that previous Presidents have basically ignored too, which makes it all the more disappointing that Trump IS the one saying “fuck it” with them
and threatened fellow UN member North Korea with nuclear annihilation while at the freakin’ UN.
he’s a tool
yes. That Instagram post has already changed lives. Now everyone knows that black lives really do matter! I’d rather be a cynical twat than a complete buffoon who thinks a hashtag fest is what incites change.
Or it’s just a branding effort. I’m sure you’ll be proud when he changes his Facebook filter too.