
us Latinos showed up to vote. Why didn’t black people? Can’t blame other people when your own are just as much to blame...

and yet, if black people had showed up to vote, you probably wouldn’t be writing this...

in college I bought this game when it was new... I was mostly a sports game guy, but liked a few other challenging games and this intrigued me. But this? I played this for a week and had no idea what the hell I was doing after that week still. Pretty much the last time I played video games regularly.

yeah, Harriott does that a lot. Thin skin on that one. At least Monique over there leaves criticism up... but that’s when their commenter hive comes out.

thanks for proving my point

I’m not trying you. You’re just a racist liar. All good. That’s a you thing. lol hell, you can’t even think for yourself at this point.

Right on. This is exactly right. Thank you.

you and Hachi exist in a vacuum actually ;)

I haven’t changed my name. You just posted the very definition of groupthink fake outrage. Well done.

that thing is exactly why I turned gay

nah. old beef from the Hachi gig. There was a post about that guy murdered in Greece by like 9 guys. Someone likened it to Jim Crow days and I simply said we should probably wait to see video of it before making calls on if it’s a hate crime or race related to see what happened. He/she responded with something like

keep trying what? Are you saying it’s bad to want to see the video of a crime before declaring it a hate crime or race motivated? Seems like you are, which is kinda scary honestly. But hey, you just keep doing whatever it is you do. At least a few people on Kinja like you, AMIRIGHT? ;)

thanks for your incredibly valuable opinion

hi. Thanks for continuing to check me out online. It’s flattering :)

didn’t one of those girls shit herself once when they were in the final selection scene? Am I remembering that right?

crazy thing is that he’s actually gonna earn that next promotion

I don’t know man. Watching Damon Wayans drop in with a beer gut and do that fight is pretty funny.

MMA has always been like this (and boxing really). It just hasn’t had this kind of pulpit to do it from before.

got a legit laugh out loud out of me. thank you