
… this had better not be a lie.

i kind of wish that tiger millionaire would return, now that steven is an actual millionaire

maybe give him some of those cat fingers…

rat looking sumbitch: also a good description for squirrels

constantine converted after he tripped over a cross shaped cross.

i don't understand why you can't just bash them over the head with a stick instead

that is what finally did in the romans

because people will fall down a lot?

wait how are we hearing from a politician if we're in fallout bunkers

you learn something new and horrifying every day

you are right. ducks and all birds are evil, and remember all too well their glory days as dinosaurs. if you brought one back up to dino size, it would murder everything for sure.

good lord, and being stuck in an e.r. waiting room is torment enough.

since it basically seems to mean "hey, let's hurt people and pretend it means something", that's an appropriate reaction.

mst3k the movie! because it was a shot in the dark thing; it showed on such random days in random theaters. and one day my sister's friend found out it was playing somewhere in downtown detroit, and we all piled in her van and it was the best.

squirrel girl.

i wouldn't mind seeing him fight a rock lobster.

no people in them, just suits

truly, surveymonkey represents the depths to which out fallen, depraved nation has sunk.

i have no problem with the idea of a peter dinklage presidency