
man, where's lying cat when you need the little guy?

and then there's all the moaning and grunting he does…

almost dying is the best part of living. it's called almost live dying.

it'll turn out they're both jake, stretching himself, though


trick question! there are no beloved characters from santa and the ice cream bunny, only horrors that can never be forgotten.

are you there, god? it's me, jumanji


luke's hand? cool.

i'm pretty sure that's a legal requirement for disembodied hands.

many manimals died to bring us this information

man, i totally want luke's old hand to come back as a glowy ghost and bug him all the time

delete the parenthesis at the end, and discover the dark and terrible secret of c3po

the wookiepedia article on this article runs three scrolls deep

the poor, poor earless gundarks.

saved by good (fire) works alone

a loaf of bread, dem titties, and thou?

but hamlet will return in "thunderball"

l@@k and be amazed

it's too late. by representing out emotions, the emoji's have learned to understand us. and by understanding us, they've now learned how to hunt us