
i don't like what's going on here


judging by her expression and the direction she's looking, you're there, and she's already getting a little worried.

it's not what i thought i would be checking out this morning, but i'll take your advice!

and yet, even she cannot save this movie.

remember the drums at the end? ewoks use every part of the stormtrooper.

all they had were those little mouse guys and the grunting robots. no arms, you see.

*clicks there*

oh no

you've ruined the act, beema.


no, it's like the boiling frog thing. gradually, ever so gradually, the heat increases…

of all the things that happen, this is one of the things that happened.

nooo…. don't take the magic away, internet.

"The genitalia of female flies are rotated to a varying degree from the position found in other insects. In some flies, this is a temporary rotation during mating, but in others, it is a permanent torsion of the organs that occurs during the pupal stage. This torsion may lead to the anus being located below the

oh, mr tusks, are you sure you didn't have a little problem with the scene buzzfeedaldrin mentions?

susan b. anthony would have to have been 120 years old or more to be a u.n. delegate, i think.

*behind you, matt slowly breaks into a grin*

i feel really bad for the spambots. i mean, this is the most rewarding work you've ever done? that's sad. you should be spamming royalty, man! believe in your dreams

"why does our joyless jeopardy champion never clap?"