
what i got from this is that pikachu plays golf? i guess i never imagined that, but maybe that's my problem. maybe golf playing pikachu is big in the fan community.

brennathings and inspectorfarts like this. you gonna argue with brennathings and inspectorfarts?

"fear the rotting dead"

it's millet time.

oh godiva, another pun thread.

i always got nervous when someone quested alongside me. yes, shyness around strangers can happen in computer games too.

there's honestly temptation there, but when i genuinely am not the same person i was in 2006, who knows how it would feel

virtual reality fractal tears, a universe inside each one

it's odd to have the "you can't go home again" feeling about a virtual world, but i think it is there.

my fondest memories of WoW are of exploring the world, digging into places where i had no business being, and getting killed repeatedly by the monsters there. i mean that, actually! it made the higher level areas feel strange and alien and dangerous in a way that they never did when doing quests there at the

having just watched all of the gamera and hercules episodes in a marathon alongside my sister, i can say that

"i need you to go and sneer at a droid creamer for me"

dear lord are unfinished peanuts characters unsettling. like fleshy eggs with crooked smiles.

listen. the only shipping i accept is between grunkle stan and money.

meanwhile, soos is still standing perfectly still in a corn maze.

i don't think i do, anymore.

talia seemed so terrified. i'm glad she managed to stay out of the red, at least.

i am glad that the prop masters give the actors credit for acting.


now we know… now we know