
well, if you watched the videos featured here, you just watched "A very thorough demonstration of all of Super Mario World’s glitches".

you can't carry grandmothers in your purse, lake bell! that's terrible!

attempting to determine the airspeed velocity of an unladen child?

and they're both nouns. you know what else is a noun? sheep. think about it.

"it contains milk and eggs, ma'am."

hee hee hee

well, really, everyone should expect that, all of the time.

i have to be careful, because if i watch it before/without the rest of my family, there will be sadness.

i missed it again? whatever disney, whatever.

avenged sevenfold fan? is that you? speak to me, boy!

listen, you gotta take that up with old john brown.

i am actually a little curious about what kind of halloween costumes indicate someone's into ghost hunting.

i might have geist that would be your answer.

that would be sad, as bigfoot is the gentle giant of the north woods

nbc: they peacock slankets.

wait, are you starting a pun thread? that's the kind of question that's going to haunt me.

imagine if ghost hunters actually found a ghost! it would become not only the most important show in television, but the most important thing ever created by mankind!

that asshole.

wait, so it's their fault? midi-chlorians really are just the worst.

"when i left you i was but an avenue. now i am the main thoroughfare, with ample parking and a decorated median"