
i don't regret quoting this exact strip. we can always use more achewood around here, right?

well… at least he isn't easily distracted.

gifs are a valuable currency in the nightmare world of the future; they'll love us and curse us at the same time for what we've done to each other, to ourselves.

no thanks, i'm already constantly terrified.

russia emancipated the serifs in 1861!

"google, someone who was nineteen designed your logo. it is now seen by every living thing, every day. hundreds of years from now, archaeologists will think we were all nimrods. nice going."

they were really scraping the bottom of the barrel when henry viii rolled around.

great job serving as a vehicle for corporate synergy, internet

bread makes you fat?!

walt disney's frozen head and ronald reagan actually have a pretty deep feud goin' on.

what hath science wrought

wait, you mean an episode that solely consists of waddles happily wandering around and rolling in things?

that llama knew the risks

i agree that it was comparatively weak, but i still am glad i managed to see it! and there was still a lot to enjoy. the mayor's sculpture is hideously gorgeous.

got it.

chester a. arthur was a damned dirty red.

holy dang, gravity falls! i won't miss it this time! hope lives again!

i believe i was utterly terrified by this movie when i was a kid. i mean, i was terrified by a lot of things. but flip in particular frightened me, which seems odd now, because now i really appreciate the character's design.

and this review of little nemo (in slumberland. get it? sleeping like sheep sleep) is just part of the plot to sneak more Illuminati imagery into our daily lives!

… i think they're starting to lose it. how do you increase an alfa romeo?