
well, i was just playing borderlands 2, and i've never held a gun in my life so…

you really aren't a dog, are you.

pedantic job, internet!

"goosio was sent up here as a goodwill ambassador! he teaches children lessons about love and sharing and hygiene and… and you killed him"

i know of one of mine. even more, it was a webcomic forum. at least i can take comfort from the fact that my expage no longer exists.

sometimes i wonder if the comments i made on some forums in the early 2000's still exist somewhere.

*an extreme close-up shot of joe don baker's sweaty, beefy face fills the screen, forever*

it's my own fault, but hearing people describe the witcher as mature is probably what kept me away from the series for a long time. so often in gaming "mature" means the exact opposite. and when i played the first game, the whole card thing did not help my impression.


thank you for the terrifying image of an army of corn, internet.

*comment/username discord*

with jk simmons as general stilwell.

come to think of it, weren't we mostly helping the nationalists in those days? hell, according to wikipedia chongqing was chiang kai-shek's capital!


"that's right, billy! even your tiny soul is doomed."

girl's town is an interesting relic, but so many horrible implications in what happens… the fifties were not a good time to be poor and a woman.

ah, skydivers. we had the old rhino vhs box set with skydivers, and the audio was awful. imagine watching a mst3k movie where you can't hear the movie or the riffs. actually, don't do that. it's sad.

but… but… the creepy girl!

if your orchestra is swollen for more than four hours, please consult a conductor.

didn't you read the article? it's not a simple movie. it's reality.