
*has leon trotsky killed with a natty ice to the back of the head*


no, it's a pun. it's not funny by definition. and therefore an appropriate response to tragedy.

simba down, son.

chickens think of nothing but murder, all day.

worm murder has been scientifically proven to be the best way to test for toxins.

chickens make very poor choices in their lives. it's why we eat them.

heinz-sight is 20-20.

fortunately, that's a safe bet to take for anyone.

that's ok, i love you.

wait, so you're suggesting that kennedy was not a lizard person?

the set is hideous for certain. do game show hosts really want to imagine that they're on the bridge of an imperial warship?

i remember being amazed at just how many sequels little women had. (two, i think, but it still amazed me.)

they get away with it because no one is friends in scrabble. no one.

and yet my mother will still win every game.

fortunately, i take comfort from the fact that life and all we do in it has no higher meaning.

i had "crank you for being a crank" stuck in my head for several days. several.

well, yeah, exactly.

and bringing it back to hair, the alt text in that one is so chilling:

i read one of the knockoff nancy drew books recently, and it was interesting to see the set pieces fall in. raised by a stern but kind guardian, boyfriend (who was an aviator like it was no big deal) same friends… and also very dull.