
yeah, i'm sold on it. susan was the character i needed the longest to get used to. she didn't look… haggard? enough?

that always makes me think of the achewood where ray makes up sefl-insert hardy boys fan fiction.

ah, the realization that a living animal is, in fact, a living animal with wants and needs.

i've really been enjoying them. the art is by a different person, but it hasn't taken as much getting used to as i thought it might.

but now i kind of want to read old hardy boys books. or maybe just look at the covers. those old blue hardcovers have a soothing feel to them.

don't make the mistake that these people did. don't die.

fighting through panic problems has left me about as much energy for reading as i have for thinking of ways to end this sentence. mainly i'm reading comics.

it's just a pity that it's gained sentience and is attempting to devour the entire world.

you fool! that's where they keep their stock photos!

the faces of the clipart women are terrifying.

fortunately, a lot of them were dead by this point. so, you know…

"jefferson! we've sent all of our best hunks to the west, and now their sleeping with everyone they meet so much that they lost the compass!"

that sounds painful, really.

i stared at it as intensely as i could, and it refused to unravel.

probably one about those suffering from the nepalese earthquake, you sociopath

*raises fists*

i like to look at maps of germany from before any of the wars, because they're so colorful! so many little princely states.

no, no, i think you've goethe something there.

i guess we could make jokes about them nailing their protests to the door of the disney castle.

i believe this news will create a furor; a furor that will sweep across europe, crushing all in-