
i hope that all of the teams do well and win all of their games.

i'd like to see a serial killer show that never showed the killer, or any of the killings, ever. just focused on the victims, and the vulnerable people who lived in that world, where it was just one more fear layered on top of other fears.

i… uh don't really want to watch anything that's on tonight, it looks like. screw you, tonight. i'm gonna go watch old homestar runner cartoons or something.

i am very sad for a frog right now.

yes, but without the game forbidding you from ever setting foot on any planet, no matter how neat they look.

procedurally generated tina belcher erotic friend fiction: the game

"moving carpets of eyes" = part of a perfect game?

mario is a true follower in all the noble ways of the plumber.

oh yeah "we filled the galaxy with countless planets! that you can never so much as step on! the joy of exploration? what's that?"

he doesn't plumb now, he wears the uniform of a plumber to remind all of his humble roots. to trick them into believing he's not just another lapdog for a slip of a princess.

i still want to see procedurally generated landscapes filled with procedurally generated critters. now that could be a fun and glorious mess.

this sits well with me.

for me, it's one thing if i go in fully prepared, knowing what i'm getting myself into. but since seeing violence depicted graphically sometimes sets off actual panic attacks in me, i'm just not often in the state where i can handle it. so when it comes to watching shows like that, or watching something silly and


that's a pretty good endorsement. i have every intention of watching it… somehow.

i'm ok, i just think it's funny how hypercritical jeopardy fans can be about the winners.

my big problem with shows like this is that violence stresses me the fuck out. so i think: "oh man, i got to watch that. but not now, it's probably violent and i can't deal with stress right now." and then i never watch any of the "must watch" shows at all.

the problem with jeopardy contestants is that they insist on having personalities and quirks. someone get that robot fellow back in the show.

oh, man, i guess i haven't actually watched the americans yet. i have been named and shamed.

snakes on a plane came out nearly ten years ago.