
but when will they build the official lil' sebastian memorial?

you know what they say about men with big signatures?

man, that's a really strange euphemism.


has perd hapley showed up this season? the meaning of this comment is a statement, which is that he is the character i miss.

preferably one where she's regularly horrified by small children

that moment made me the happiest the show has made me this season. just… very sweet and honest.

she just respects her! i mean, you know, the two of them are pretty much the same person.

and any disagreement is a sign of an "agenda", though no one knows what an agenda actually is.

i don't even have a daily show

i think it would be a very different show, and that that would be a very good thing.

it's kind of terrifying watching the "show new comments" number rise and rise with each passing second.

the daily show's about as extreme as a warm bath.

not just commas, look at what the man is doing to the poor ellipsis.

i think they're just spontaneously generated in order to comment on articles like this, similar to how fruit flies were once believed to reproduce.

i hope fred dictated that review, his back held stiffly upright and his hands steepled as he occasionally glanced out the window of his office on the 30th floor.

man am i glad that you finished that

"the siberian traps" would be a terrible nickname for any genitalia.

no, please, get the switch.

a gun?