
people who actually know information about amphibians! my old nemesis.

she does have the look of surprised disgust in that picture

jar jar binks is an amphibian, right? who even knows how that guy breathes

maybe one of those tiny little jars that you can buy jam in. but why would you fill it with anything other than jam?

the legion of deadly breath catchers in

oh, sure, i'm willing to support independent filmmakers in-

yeah, i use no script, and clicking the little red icon does the same thing for me. i just go to my disqus homepage, it works there.

i would really like some chamomile tea.

i believe that he has what it takes.

genesis 19: total insanity.

no problem, here, have some sunglasses.

*ghost of dead novitiate skulks in a corner*

it has the word true in the title, so it must be real!

i'm not a dude, though, bro.

but you would also have to go to spencer gifts

in your bunk, working out the odds on each of those fights, so you know where to place your bets?

the negative critical reaction to the 4th season had way more to do with nostalgia than anything else. it's solid, if flawed. and her character is not one of the flaws.


i am completely happy to have missed that.

yes. you. can!