
david bowie is always, always hot.

i agree. most of the people here don't have a scroticum of tact


people used to laugh more then, there were concerts in the park…

we need a mega blok movie.


i actively avoided recruting kid when i played (she bugged me, for some reason) and was genuinely surprised that i was able to get away with it.

chrono cross is the only one i even played too. it confused the hell out of me a lot, but that may have also been due to never having played any jrpgs before. it was a mess, i think, but still fun.

i played some of kingdoms of amular and "empty and charmless" pretty much cover how i felt about it. i wish i could say otherwise.

i got crystal caves off of good old games. this is kind of a dream come true, we had the shareware version back when i was little, and i always knew there were more parts to the game, but they were always impossibly out of reach.

i am still constantly amazed that the baseline of realizing that other human beings exist is so hard for them to reach.

it needs to be said, again and again and again, when ever someone tries to play like casting anyone other than white dudes is a "gimmick"

origin story! turns out everyone used to be babies

i'm always glad to see people pull themselves out of the red, even just a little bit. i was happy to see the guy get back up to two hundred, and happy that he didn't guess at any of the others after because… well, you know.

but it doesn't make sense from a narrative perspective to leave in middle of a battle! this was important to me when i was 12, damn it!

*flashbacks to the troll castle in baldur's gate 2*

well come on. they made the mistake of existing while female.

it's also really easy to not steal someone's private pictures too! in fact, it's so easy, it literally requires nothing.

you seem to have already started telling it!

but in a third, more accurate way… that makes me sad