
outbreaks of jennifer lawrence devastated europe in the 14th century.

you know, what we need more of is science.

well, the speech synthesiser he uses is pretty old and out of date, if i remember right, and he uses it because it's the one he's most familiar with, so in a way it is his actual voice

yeah, i remember reading about why she wrote it. something like her son's friend being struck by lightning while they were playing on the beach.

man, that is harsh.

my blood hurts…

the greatest day!

there's no reason to not cry watching lilo and stitch. i'm feeling happy and sad just thinking about a couple scenes now.

the av club

i remember reading that, but i don't think i even tried to finish it. i could never do books with dogs dying.

i tended to cry at anything and everything slightly sad when i was a kid. and then of course they had us read bridge to terabithia. that was the first time i think a book made me cry out of anger more than sadness, though.

it depends on what you mean by "pop"

michelle shadows 777 wishes to know where to buy the bad books that she wants.

so many memories of chewy, plastic cheese.

i guess it can qualify as pi, though

*can not consider the pie due to Cares*

they don't allow you to make arrested development references in here.

i really do hope he has the best recovery possible. it's never easy from this sort of thing. my cousin was in a somewhat similar accident in high school (rear-ended by a truck), and she still has health issues 15+ years on. it's not easy.

i really do hope he has the best recovery possible. it's never easy from this sort of thing. my cousin was in a somewhat similar accident in high school (rear-ended by a truck), and she still has health issues 15+ years on. it's not easy.

*hangs head in shame*