
emma couture st. onge is a pretty awesome name. that's what i'm taking from this one.

i am ativan the mighty! slayer of the dark sorcerer alprazolam!

i started playing the banner saga! it was on sale!

he's a very clear eyed and calm zombie, i got to give him that.

no more zombies

at least he hasn't pulled out the winking smiley yet. those things give me nightmares.

he looks as though he's learning how to weep the weepy-weep way.

this is still entirely true.

yeah, i really enjoy it just as a way to get through stressful times. there's something intensely soothing about just digging, building, and occasionally falling into a crevasse.

i am legitimately scared right now.

i couldn't imagine any cheddar news than this!

the pasta passes are just going to be endlessly sold and resold at greater and greater prices, until holding one grants you the powers of a king, in the parched and desolate wastes of the post-pasta wars america.

i think i'll enjoy bug-meal even more than corn, really.

which is actually quite fitting.

so long as your balls don't rise up into your body whenever gymnasts speak, i think we'll be ok

flames… on the syde of my face…

y kant deth robots read?

considering i don't know how to spell "toyota", your confusion is justified. also:

are the people who designed the masters of sex logo the same people who like to remove the "t" and "to" from their toyotos?

and i know for certain that the full wookieepedia article is longer than the wikipedia article for abraham lincoln.