
those cats played us all for suckers.

so many nipple.

for some reason i thought that edgar winter was dead, but he's not!

dude must get payed; how else can he afford all those commas?

i understand that in the next book they discover the source of the nile, and conan finally gets his hands on that silver cow creamer.

*canned laughter/bombs*

it's also the place where people complain about the commenters complaining about the feature, so you'll fit right in!

steering clear of any fans has never done me wrong.

i guess dying in san francisco is pretty cliche. i mean, a lot of people do it.

i think from the fact that it takes a couple tries for your character to even get a singalong going, that they knew it wouldn't be able to measure up.

easily one of the best parts of that game. i loved it.

born to run

i thought that was true for almost every word

like dawson's creek, this comment too is full of shit.

that… is an interesting feces.

all i remember is those brave flying men in their poopy suits.

do you remember the opening of dr. strangelove?

the homerbouros?

i find the idea of this universe of machines still somehow mirroring real world history (as i think is implied in the movies) far more frightening. if there are native american helicopters, that must mean there was a native american helicopter genocide too.

the av club:
see above