
just wait until i finish my prison for destructive concepts, though

very seriously, i agree. walmart's actions are criminal, or should be.

i've never understood what goes on with that. i think they just said it wasn't a physical place? i dunno.

well, the soviets did support the idea of gender equality.

indifferent to each other, but hopeful for change, in purgatory?

yeah, as far as i've read that's the cause. it's actually not that big of an issue, just occasionally you'll see a combat message about some sort of flying creature colliding with an object and exploding in gore.

the mass effect games need a "get the hell away from me" romance option.

i love that game, even though the dialogue, as others have said, is cringe inducing.

just one giant nipple staring at you, now and for the rest of time.

i feel betrayed.

there's a new version of dwarf fortress, so i'm playing the new version of dwarf fortress!

i want more things to involve being atop a 2000 foot skyscraper!

really, though, who shouldn't? it's good to know that someone's got your back.

this "good" potato salad you speak of is a myth! a fantasy! like bigfoot, or colorado!

i've never had a good potato salad. maybe it's me? maybe i'm the problem?

i think that with potato salad that comes as a given.

he has made it so one potato salad can feed a great multitude of people. truly he is the christ of our times

ah, but whither the dubstep cat?

the internet itself has already taken that job on.

but things like this are the reason the internet exists! therefore it is a "great job internet", even though it's also a "kind of annoying job, everywhere else"