
milklemore and ryan lactose.

there's a whole group of people who are constantly baffled by all these people pouring milk of magnesia on their cereal.

this is a milk for the 90's!

yeah, pretty much for the rest of your life.

i liked to play with legoes

i am glad that you found your courage

i wish the marketing robot that came up with term "event series" could be reprogrammed to feel deep, deep shame

no it didn't. stop lying to me. stop lying.

men in rhinestone.

"they tazed me in the balls. america's government shocked my nuts."

i hate that i had to look up james ellroy in order to know who he is!

well, since the statement was utterly absurd, i shall continue to treat it as such, and go my merry way.

it is my hope that you are kidding

that is genuinely great!

albums are aggressive animals, and if taunted, will respond by hissing and beating their taunter with their enormous wings.

let's run him over with a tank.

what a droll double entendre!

we have a blizzard warning for tomorrow, but that means i get to have a fun day with my nephews building snow forts!

let's make it lovely!
