
it is difficult for me to convey how little i care about the boners of guys.

a she-hulk movie would be kickass and a lot of fun! which is another concept that a lot of these movies seem to forget about

oh yeah, shit.

man, i really need to see frozen.

it was terrible, and if i remember right, it was used as excuse to why a movie centered around a female superhero just wouldn't do well. because there's never been a male superhero movie that flopped.

i genuinely hope so.

at least you can depend on the fact that there will never, ever, ever be a movie about a female superhero. because why do that when they can just endlessly reboot the same people, over and over?

the greatest crime. (i haven't either)

i certainly hope so. thing baby sounds adorable!

a bunch of sentient bananas?

fortunately, i no longer believe in a loving benevolent god.

the significance is that that was his name.

my father used to be a teacher, and for a few years he would teach with our pet garter snake happily coiled around his hand.

i know. i should have waited my tourne. are you the kind of paysanne that can forgive me?

i hope he had it perform a pleasing puppet dance, to delight the children.

i don't know, i saw some potential there.

my 9th grade biology teacher brought in the heart of a deer he'd hit with his car to show what hearts looked like! it was pretty neat, actually. though he did not eat it in front of us, to gain the strength of the deer.

that was a cutting remark. it went a cut above the rest, it's knife to see sharp with like this.

i did not know ramona quimby's middle name, and now i do, and my day feels richer for that knowledge.

it's not like state supported churches have ever been enthusiastic yes-men for right wing dictatorships before, right?