
ah, the nightmare, the horror, the pain, that is a puppet show.

all of the musicians did a good job and won their awards

he has an incredibly powerful voice, but for some reason the whole "someone you wouldn't expect singing a pop song, singing a pop song!" seems tiresome to me.

it's a very important distinction to make.

i got pretty tired of it the moment people started passing the sad clown version around

i think that's a better version, and i'm going to accept it as the true one from now on.

have we had our haymarket yet?

well, the studio is named king! whether this will end with someone being burned alive inside a longhouse is still unclear.

odin's not going to be too happy about this one.

in japan, her autobiography was called motherf*cker x. yeah.

ha ha!

i guess amazon is going to send me mp3s, then? delivered straight to my door? i've always wondered what an mp3 looks like

communists don't wear ties! they're a symbol of the bourgeoisie

i cannot imagine what shape my mind would be in after 14 hours of the cake boss or other cake related television.

i visited my parents recently, and they still have the computer with my original copy of sim city 2000 on it! it's still fun. also, it still has the city i've been playing since… 1997, i guess? it was… strange, to open that up again. very strange.

it's one of the mane things that keep me around here

i would prefer not to.

for a few desdamonas moor

romeo and juliet go to white castle (to kill themselves)

the assassination of mercutio by the coward romeo montague