
alex's disappointment tone is really an impressive thing. he manages to convey both sympathy in his tone, as well as the implication that you really should have known that.

oh dear, now that was a picture.

95 is a good long life.

she gets trashed on so much because she insulted the movie knocked up, which she was in. the thing is, i hated knocked up, and i think her comments were pretty accurate. so no matter what else happens, i'm on her side for that.

ah, so many from the vague blur school of painting. also, a fish!

for the love of god, shut up. you can both be chris conley for all i care.

that's a gimmick too damn it

all right that last part is quite true

ok which tedious little gimmick account are you?

you ever looked in a squirrel's eyes?

squirrels are such awful creatures. so hideous.


sigh for sasquatch

the main good thing is that my sister didn't take it to heart. the kid can play however he likes. he's doing just fine.

i was more thinking that disney was taking advantage of their ownership of the star wars franchise.

they… all kind of look like the same person.

i should also say that what i wanted was more figures that i could portray as girls, not more figures that were explicitly designed to be female (ie, the ones with makeup). that wasn't much better than this.

well i'll be. someone finally signed that morrissey character.

the thing about it that frustrates me is that… i'm ok with there being more girl figures in lego. when i was a kid it kind of bothered me that like 90% of my lego people were boys. it made it harder for my sisters and i to make the adventures we wanted to make (yes, we made up stories about our legos, deal with it).

the whole gendered toy thing just bugs the heck out of me in general. when one of my nephews was about two, he would watch my sister carry around his younger brother, and then he would go and pick up a doll and wrap it in a blanket, put it in the bed, tell it to take a good nap, etc. it was really quite sweet.