
it's a christmas classic! pound back a few cognacs and enjoy.

a joyous end of the year to everyone!

there just needs to be room for the little saltporker, is all

so long as plenty of space in the play is given to rag-time roast beefy, i'm ok with this.


this is not an article in the onion.

it is true. i am not in nyc.

good-bye, dead person.

pun rhymes with gun!

revenge of terror fountain, but for women

i like bob's burgers, but i don't really trust them to do well with that.

i looked up the wikipedia article and read this:

teddy is so determined to make the best of his situation. i love him.

i think that louise improved tremendously over the course of the last couple seasons, actually. if you watch her in the beginning of season one, she's just nasty, and not in a way that really resembles an actual kids mean-ness.

it's what his hand is doing, in connection with his expression, that fills me with fear.

my mother and i were driven to a fury by the contestants failure in final jeopardy. well, i mean, we yelled at the tv a bit. it was a fun show, though.

that picture's gonna give me nightmares.

i am so glad that you mentioned proteus. i loved it so much. and, though i guess this may reflect poorly on me, playing it got me through a few months when my panic disorder went from being "kind of controlled" to "my life is a waking nightmare". but playing that game helped bring my mind back out of being afraid. so

augh! augh!

now all i can think of is krill