
in order to appease the dark demon god of streaming, they can only renew that which you most despise

the fact that humans don't have tails is the surest sign that we are not evolution's greatest work

hey, well, at least there's still… um…

a monster of goodwill spreading nightmares in his wake

they also shout at the stone, i think

no, i think the movie makes more sense when you view it as a horror movie, with robin williams as the monster

man, i just remembered a movie that i had blocked out, that we had to watch in a class

that's it!

your post made me look up tatiana maslany, and i just now learned that she's exactly the same age as me. down to the day

oh god and drumline

a similar story; i had a physics teacher make my class watch some sort of move about how the moon landing was faked, and tried to convince us all of that fact.

i am amazed that a high school with a film studies course exists

i had an interesting german teacher in high school. i think we only ever watched one movie, a black and white german language wwii movie. i still don't remember the name,but it was about a bunch of boys getting recruited into the army towards the end of the war, and they get sent to defend a bridge, or something. and

i should have realized that any internet discussion about the appearance of an actress is bound to leave me despairing

well played. my hand is off to you.

like what from that show!

that makes no sense. that is literally nonsensical. who are these people?

the ceasefire of azaleas?

angela lansbury: the baddest sucka

the fact that they started calling themselves "NatGeo" should have been the first clue…