
"don't hurt the pain"

i think that eight hairy black spider legs would improve the image, actually. give it a certain monster baby charm

or a baby


they call it upvoting

oh god, that's the worst.

i'm now pretty interested in learning the story of super squid. what's he like? is his a tragic story? why do men keep trying to eat him?

well, at least they aren't collecting cookie jars

"The problem with being avant-garde is knowing who's putting on who."

of course, since james franco is everything, it's only the truth to say that he is the most important thing of this age. he is this age. the historians of the future will agree, as they will also be james franco


a microwaved sluggo provides an ideal germination environment for tarragon seeds.

microwaved egg:


the power does not lie within you

none of your text is upside down, or even littered with cookie crumbs.

the phases of the moon are involved

i'm sure it will, because if there's one thing internet people are good at, it's not following through, on anything.

he will also be an accomplished poet

6. summons granthalthor, lord of stars, from his prison of unending light.