Super Nintendo. Ultimate cheat code is BARRY... Level select, music select, infinite health. That's the only way I beat it...
Super Nintendo. Ultimate cheat code is BARRY... Level select, music select, infinite health. That's the only way I beat it...
So many posts saying Epic is in the wrong and they didn't get hurt by this. If this was Valve instead of Epic people would have already doxxed this guy and he would be getting death threats.
The whales that spend this much are usually people with gambling addictions who just have to have that extremely rare item. Max out one credit card and go get another one and Max it out too
Try the shotgun. I kept forgetting you could use that to knock down walls during my playthrough. Also the rope ascender is purchased from the old lady that moves around.
In it’s defense (and I know I’m reaching a lot here) the puzzles are made by the devil. It kind of makes sense that he would give the dreams to trans women just to be a dick. I remember being blown away when I realized the waitress was trans as I got to know her since that was the first time I had ever seen that in a…
Thanks. I got it!
Probably not. I have it on PS4 and all the update file did was add a neon sign to the shop keeper area that takes you to the new area. When you interact with the sign he says you need to download the dlc first. Also says it can’t be downloaded at this time on PS4 and I can’t find it while searching. Guess I gotta wait…
I think part of it is the slippery slope of fan games. If you allow one today then you can't really shut down one that has insensitive, racist or sexual content tomorrow because it's a fan game. It's easier to enforce the rules for everything than to start trying to quality control fan games.
Trying to address the issue as strictly predatory against minors is really the wrong way to go. The ESA has already retaliated with "Parental Controls" and the problem with microtransactions and loot boxes is so much more widespread than just minors. I'm sure that's just a small drop in the bucket compared to the…
I don’t know. Because the characters have such distinct personalities. In Origins you could just click through Morrigan’s dialogue options to have sex with her but to get a relationship with Leiliana you had to put in the work and get your friendship meter super high. Some of the characters in Inquisition feel the…
I think what excites me most about this post is that she was inspired to go into game design. We need more people of all colors to be designing games. The industry is dominated by white males. Because we tend to see ourselves in whatever we create (and let's be real, it's too easy for someone without any real…
Yes. But luckily if you bought DA Origins new when it first came out, there was a code for the Shale dlc free. I remember a guy suing GameStop when he bought it used because the box said free dlc code included and because it was used it didn't have the code...
I hear Yanny. Most of my co-workers hear an R sound instead of an N sound but no one hears Laurel...yet
I am in a similar situation with a 1 year old at home. I find time to play when I can which mostly means when he is asleep. I also played Horizon Zero Dawn for quite a few hours. Maybe that’s because games like Horizon and Zelda BOTW are easy to play in short sessions instead of something you know you need to invest…
I am trophy hunting in Armello trying to get the Platinum. That and I just started Horizon Zero Dawn finally.
Also, they will grab your trigger finger during a gunfight in Rise of The Tomb Raider and you will have to run around and melee kill everyone because that finger no longer belongs to you.
The Geek Chic tables are really amazing but waaaay out of my price range. I just put plans together to build one that should only cost me $150. If it looks half as good as the Geek Chic table I will call it a win!
My PS3 broke last week. I’m still deciding if it is worth getting a new one since I mostly play on Ps4 now. But not sure I want to miss out o stuff like this!