
He is a misogynist asshole. I hope you are white or asian because that is what he likes.

Huma did marry this asshole, so you have to question how smart she is.

You are a racist.

Thank god we have that chart. It will solve everything. This just shows how little grasp of reality you have.

They have fake passports. This is why you are called a libtard.

This just shows how little you understand this issue. Just because they have a Syrian passport does not mean they come from there. You are the stupid one here.

You are such a privileged asshole.

Just Bill Clinton.

That is a very privileged point of view. Only a pretentious white woman could think that way.

You don’t understand. benjaminallover is the best person in the world and wants everyone to know that. This is just basic everyday stuff for her.

You are an insufferable self-righteous asshole.

You are an awful person and spend way too much time on here. You just ruined a nice story. Now go fuck yourself.