
Jesus, the desperation these people are exhibiting is incredible. They’ve got everything, the power, their cheering hoards, a majority in the senate and a Senate Leader who doesn’t hesitate to set aside law and tradition to get what he wants, a stacked Supreme Court and they’re still running around like ants after

How many more times is the media going to write this story?  Like, how many more times can he keep “increasingly coming off the rails?”  I don’t get it.  He’s been a loose cannon the second he came down that gaudy escalator.

I mean....murder though.

Their Fearless Leader is who they should be mad at, but that would be blasphemy.   So they are just going to sit and spin until they get dizzy and puke all over America.

Yes, Rudy, you file your jaw suit against the swamp. But do it tomorrow, alright? You need your rest now...there there...are you chilly? We’ll have an orderly bring another blanket, ok? Oh! Look, Rudy. Rice pudding! With raisins! Your favorite!

He’s freaking out. Is it because he feels walls closing in on him? Maybe. Is it because his authority and ability to do whatever the fuck he wants is being questioned? More likely.

Don’t leave out this:

Call me crazy, but I’m starting to get the vague sense that we may not be able to just reach across the aisle and reason with these folks.

Republican slogans;

For the love of god, what will it take for any of these cable news outlets to stop putting this man on TV??

that reminds me, where is that caravan I was assured was going to rape and kill every trump supporter’s family by the end of 2018. fuckers are taking a while to get here.

Just think about how much our government could achieve if we didn’t waste time and money on performative nonsense about flagrantly unconstitutional laws.

“Country’s full. Can’t take in anybody else. Wish it were different,  but facts are facts.

Well, I mean, that was the plan from the start, right?  Get it declared unconstitutional, appeal to a higher court, and repeat the process until it gets to the Supreme Court.  The long game has always been about getting the Court to repeal Roe.

It’s truly amazing the people who will let Trump denigrate and humiliate them. For a party that prioritizes toxic masculinity it’s amazing how Trump was able to humiliate Ted Cruz, Mitt Romney, and Rudy Giuliani (just to name people off the top of my head) who continue to eat his shit.

The president routinely humiliates Rudy Giuliani everyone hes ever met except the dictators he brownnoses.

A white woman walked into a Black man’s apartment while he was sitting on the couch eating ice cream watching TV in his underwear and shot him, and I am relieved that she was actually found guilty.

“There’s a big headline that’ll get your attention, then you look at the story it’s easily explained,” co-host Brian Kilmeade said.”

God, I love it when people are right, but not for the reason they think. 

Nevermind these bullshit polls, I stumbled upon this while venturing into the mouth of madness (reading through Chump’s Twitter feed)

Uh how can you enforce a “Castle Doctrine” if it isn’t your fucking Castle? Again why the fuck are people determined to help police continue their fuck ups no matter what? Murder was always going to be hard to pin on this bitch but her ass is likely going to walk thanks to the Chad’s & Becky’s on the jury. I thought