Yup--this kind of moron always falls back on what worked “before,” even as the circumstances totally change and it makes them look stupid and desperate.
Yup--this kind of moron always falls back on what worked “before,” even as the circumstances totally change and it makes them look stupid and desperate.
The way to stem a possible civil war is to reprogram Grampa’s TV so that he can’t access Fox News.
Trump really needs to be careful though because the some in the GOP will only be quiet for so long.
The only reason I’m not more of an alarmist about this is because Trump’s most fervent supporters are also establishment sycophants that prefer to do their “winning” from the comfort of their La-Z-Boys with Fox News warbling in the background. This isn’t to say that there aren’t any Trump supporters that would answer…
“Nice country you got there. Shame if something were to happen to it.”
Anyone who thinks humans will never be able to cross interstellar distances has never seen the range of Donald Trump’s projection.
Maybe, instead of faking a heart attack, Trump really wants to be impeached? That way he can keep his grievance score at 100%, and hope to parlay that into enough money when he’s thrown out to keep him out of jail on all of those state charges?
Remember that Seinfeld where George has sex with the cleaning woman, and when his boss confronts him, his bullshit response is “Should I not have done that? Is that sort of thing frowned upon. Because I gotta say, at my old job we did that sort of thing all the time.” Essentially the WH is adopting that strategy…
Think about this:
We’re doing it again. Because you can think a couple steps ahead, you assume that the Trump administration can too. (narrator voice: They can’t)
Any bets on who the whistle blower is?
Literally everything since Trump announced his candidacy in the summer of 2015 has been historic. Not good, but definitely of interest to future scholars.
This feels like history is being made right now.
Holy shit. They knew better than to erase and destroy the call and transcript, but they thought they could store it on a national security database to keep it secret. Or something. Jesus. Giuliani is fucked. Also, MULTIPLE officials were concerned. Multiple.
Heard this bizarre report of a potential strategy by Pelosi to rush into an impeachment vote against Trump on only one count: The Ukraine thing!
Ah, so they’ve already jumped to word two of their standard playbook for when events cause their planned campaign reboots to jump the rails. I’m sure they’ve got someone on the “Well yeah, he said it, but you only found out about it because of people that we don’t like” word one of their prepared script.
Fox defense... word’s don’t mean what you think they mean!
Trump is a traitor, Moscow Mitch and the republicans are traitors and Fox loves treason.
Yep. See also: men think recycling makes you gay.