Burner Account

Rotors warping is generally a myth. Except when it happens to you. I had two sets of OEM brake rotors “warp” with <30K miles. Saab 92x (Saabaru). Switched to good aftermarket (TireRack) and got 100K miles out of them.
I’m a 60-something engineer, so I’m probably driving it in a more subdued fashion than the typical WRX

1&1 hosting, I’ve had a VPS and now “cloud server”. Very reliable and cost effective.

1&1 hosting, I’ve had a VPS and now “cloud server”. Very reliable and cost effective.

In a previous life I owned a 1967 Corvair Corsa (four carbs) “John Fitch Sprint” edition. The later Corvairs had independent suspension so they handled better, and the Fitch upgrades included an after market exhaust, tighter steering, and improved suspension.
This Corvair is one 18 year old me would have passed on.

Regarding Internet speeds. I have Internet only through Comcast and was paying $65, then $70, then $75 for the Performance (25/5Mbps) package. I tested a 90-100/5 Mbps tier for $10/month more, but saw no improvement, so I switched back.
2017 comes and I’m paying $75/month, so I review Internet only packages and see